Saturday, January 23, 2010


I've been quite the organizer lately.
With organizing, it requires getting rid of some things to make room for other things.
I made this ceramic vase in college and have toted it around.
It's really large and, let's face it, kind of homely.
I decided to trash it, but i still wanted to remember it as it took a long time to complete.
Thank goodness for photography! :)


  1. aahh!! i'm bummed you trashed it! i think its SO cute..homely and all.
    I'm glad you got your post up...i was beginning to think you were slacking ALREADY! haha jk. I'm excited about this..i cant wait for the next day and next day to keep doing it. lol

  2. excellent vase! great shot and good luck with the year! :D
